A History of Faith and Service
Roseville Church, formerly Roseville UB Church, has served the community for 130 years, sharing God’s message of love and forgiveness through Jesus. The United Brethren Church began in May 1767 at an inter-denominational revival in Lancaster, PA, where a Mennonite preacher and a Reformed pastor united over their shared faith in Jesus. The name “United Brethren” was officially adopted in 1800. As North America’s first Christian denomination, the United Brethren were also among the first to formally oppose slavery in 1821.

HOW roseville Church STARTED...
The United Brethren Church in Canada traces its roots to the 1820s when UB pastors began preaching in Canada. After 30 years of itinerant ministry, the first permanent church was established in Waterloo County in the 1850s. In 1852, the Roseville settlement was named, and the Roseville United Brethren congregation began meeting in 1881 as a home Bible study group. They purchased the original church building from Wesleyan Methodists later that year for $200. Originally built by a Lutheran congregation, it was later sold to Wesleyan Methodists.
Building Renovations
The original wood structure was bricked over in 1919, with a basement added in 1950 and major expansions occurring in 1974 and 2006. In 2017, the internal sanctuary was renovated, and just before the final touch—a cross—was installed, a tragic car accident destroyed the original sanctuary. Despite this, we continued to meet in the basement. The sanctuary was redone in 2019, with our first event, a Concert of Prayer, held in January 2020.

Where we are headed...
Our story reminds us that God can work and move both when things are going well and in the midst of brokenness and tragedy. The renovations highlight that while the building is where we gather, the true church is our community. Currently, we are now focused on building a healthy, loving, and thriving community where people can learn about and encounter God.
Become a part of our storY
Join us every Sunday at 10:30 AM, or feel free to attend any of our events or groups.